業績一覧  2012年度論文・著書


M Kuroyama, C Kawano, T Hirayama, G Iwasa, T Sasaki
Dose conversion ratio for continuous intravenous infusion of fentanyl and fentanyl transdermal patches (reservoir-type).
Palliative Care Research, 7, 218-224, (2012).

Y Hamada, H Imaizumi, S Miyazawa, M Kida, K Souma, W Koizumi, K Sunakawa, M Kuroyama
Compatibility of carbapenem antibiotics with nafamostat mesilate in arterial infusion therapy for severe acute pancreatitis : Stabilities of carbapenem antibiotics.
The Japanese Journal of Antibiotics, 65, 235-249, (2012).

Y Hamada, K Tamura, I Koyama, M Seki, K Yago, K Sunakawa, M Kuroyama
Evaluation of arbekacin anti-MRSA agents for adult in Japan.
The Japanese Journal of Antibiotics, 65, 221-234, (2012).

Y Hamada, Y Seto, K Yago, M Kuroyama
Investigation and threshold of optimum blood concentration of voriconazole : a descriptive statistical meta-analysis.
J Infect Chemother. 18, 501-507, (2012).

Y Hamada, R Okuma, Y Katori, S Takahashi, T Hirayama, Y Ichibe, M Kuroyama
Bibliographical investigation (domestic and overseas) on the treatment of endogenous Candida endophthalmitis over an 11-year period.
Med Mycol J, 54, 53-67, (2013).


薬と疾患Ⅲ薬物治療(2)および薬物治療に役立つ情報第2版 ; 薬物治療に役立つ情報第Ⅰ部医薬品情報. P215-P233
日本薬学会(編), 東京化学同人, 東京, 2012.

治療薬ハンドブック2013 ; 薬剤リスト編
じほう, 東京, 2013.

黒山政一, 浅井美由紀, 平山武司, 小原美江, 黒田ちか江, 本間雅士
治療薬ハンドブック2013 ; 同効薬比較表, 巻頭6-37
高久史麿(監修), じほう, 東京, 2013.

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